Quality Engineering

  • Comprehensive Testing
  • Shifting Left on Testing
  • Platform Reliability
  • Speed to Market
  • Self-healing
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Ensure Comprehensive Testing with Every Code Change


  • Want to know all the test cases that potentially will get touched with the latest code change?
  • Would you like to prioritize test cases intelligently for regression testing?
  • Looking to reduce the time taken to identify which test cases need to be reviewed and updated when a code is committed and pushed for testing?


Every time a code commit is made, all potentially affected test cases are identified and highlighted for the testing team to review. Suggestions on how the test cases need to be updated are also provided to ensure comprehensive testing at speed.


AiDE Explain
AiDE Impact-based Testing

Shift Left on Testing – Dev and Testing in Parallel


  • Want your code to be tested while being developed to ensure a high-quality product?
  • Shift to a quality-first approach with testers focusing on requirements, not just code?
  • Enable testers to only focus on corner cases and complex bugs?


As new code is committed, corresponding test cases are automatically updated and rerun, with detailed reports for further refinement by developers or testers. Ensuring that developers can ship high-quality code, and testers can verify its security, enabling the deployment of a comprehensive and foolproof solution.


AiDE Explain
AiDE Impact-based Testing

Real-time Reliability for Platform with Maximum Coverage


  • Want code to be tested as it is being developed to ensure that you ship a 100% reliable product?
  • Looking to avoid even a single user review on a broken feature on the platform?


When new code is submitted, AiDE® automatically runs all relevant test scenarios and generates detailed review reports for both development and testing teams to refine further and expand upon. This flexibility allows for adjustments to user stories while ensuring developers deliver secure, high-quality code and testers can confirm it's error-free, ensuring a fully reliable solution is launched.


AiDE Explain
AiDE Impact-based Testing

Reduce Time to Test and Launch Features Quickly


  • Want to accelerate bug identification and reduce test cycle time?
  • Keen to integrate basic functional tests during dev to shift left on quality?
  • Know all the test cases that will potentially get impacted with your latest code change?


Every time a code commit is made, all potentially affected test cases are identified for the testing team to review during test cycle time. To ensure comprehensive test coverage at speed, suggestions on how the test cases can be updated, test scenarios can be generated, and production-grade test data are provided.


AiDE Explain
AiDE Impact-based Testing
AiDE Data Generation

Self-heal Test Cases Based on Code Changes Automatically


  • Want to ensure 100% reliability by proactively testing your code as it is being developed?
  • Looking to identify and address review areas without room for manual oversight?
  • Aiming for zero user complaints on platform glitches?


As developers write & commit code, AiDE® updates and re-runs all relevant test cases and generates detailed reports with suggested fixes for developers. So developers can ship high-quality code, testers can ensure zero defect leakage, eliminating the potential for human misses and deploying a foolproof solution.


AiDE Explain
AiDE Impact-based Testing

Case Studies

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From ideation to implementation, our experts become an extension of your core team to deliver exceptional results. Let’s take your business to the next level!

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