Product Development

  • Enhancing Codebase
  • Faster Go-to-Market
  • Rapid Engineering
  • Boost Productivity
  • Enterprise Platform
  • Swift Pilots
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Enhancing your Existing Codebase


  • Taking longer than you'd like to go to market with your new features?
  • Is the learning curve for your engineers too long due to a complex codebase?
  • Accumulating tech debt over time due to diverse developer coding styles and standards?


Getting engineers up to speed in complex enterprise environments typically takes at least four weeks, and getting them to follow consistent coding standards could take months if not years. Delaying the speed at which you can go live with new features. With AiDE®, engineers can be productive from Day One.



AiDE Brownfield Code Completion
AiDE Brownfield Code Generation
AiDE Brownfield Finetuning
AiDE Impact-based Testing
AiDE Explain

Take New Features to Market Quickly


  • Dev and Test cycles taking longer than you'd like?
  • Can you only move as fast as the number of team members?


Every new feature launch typically goes through product, UX, frontend and backend development, testing, and DevOps. This time-tested process ensures reliable solutions at the cost of speed. With AiDE® at every stage, letting experts review the output instead of building from scratch, we achieve speed to value.

Faster Go-to-Market


AiDE Brownfield Code Completion
AiDE Brownfield Code Generation
AiDE Brownfield Finetuning
AiDE Impact-based Testing
AiDE Explain

Enable Engineering to Keep Pace with Product


  • Missing opportunities to test new ideas with your target consumers?
  • Having a hard time prioritizing the product backlog?
  • Lagging behind competitors with larger Engineering teams?
  • Needing to balance quality and speed with every launch?


Seamlessly integrate with product user stories from your product management platform, automatically generate the required wireframes, code, and test cases for each user story, review the output, and tweak it if necessary. This enables you to focus on ideation and go-to-market while quality and speed are taken care of.

Rapid Engineering


AiDE OneClick UX
AiDE Brownfield Code Completion
AiDE Brownfield Code Generation
AiDE Brownfield Finetuning
AiDE Impact-based Testing
AiDE Explain
Jira/AzDO Integrations

Train Teams on your Codebase to Boost Day One Productivity


  • High attrition leading to productive hours going into training and knowledge transfer?
  • Senior employees becoming a bottleneck for information sharing?
  • Lack of adherence to enterprise standards leading to future re-work and tech debt?


Just like asking a mentor for help, new team members can ask AiDE® if they get stuck on tasks. With enterprise coding standards and code documentation automatically incorporated, all have an equal opportunity to build new features on the platform without adding to tech debt. Ask, review, and accept is all that is needed.

Boost Productivity


AiDE Brownfield Code Completion
AiDE Brownfield Code Generation
AiDE Brownfield Finetuning
AiDE Impact-based Testing
AiDE Explain
AiDE Semantic Code Search
AiDE Academy

Build an Enterprise Platform from the Ground Up


  • Requirements for the beta launch taking a long time?
  • Teams and partners hired to build the platform taking a lot of time, money, and effort?
  • Rapidly evolving market needs leading to frequent but necessary requirement changes?


Converting complex business ideas into a stable enterprise platform takes time. The platform must also evolve with the target market's changing needs. By using AiDE® through the idea-to-launch pipeline, teams can focus on functional reviews, making the time and effort spent in building enterprises sustainable.

Enterprise Platform


Jira/AzDO Integrations
AiDE Coding Standards and Guidelines
AiDE Explain
AiDE Prompt Optimizer
AiDE Prompt Library

Convert Ideas into Functioning Prototypes Rapidly


  • Want to get ideas market tested quickly to help you prioritize?
  • Don't want to go through the pain of hiring, onboarding, and build-out for every idea?
  • Need to keep the excitement for your solution alive within your target market?


For quick pilots that need to convey your ideas effectively rather than being enterprise-grade, AiDE® can convert your requirements into functional prototypes in less than a week. Users can experience your vision almost in real-time and provide feedback, which can be used to determine product market fit.

Swift Pilots


Jira/AzDO Integrations
AiDE OneClick Greenfield
AiDE Impact-based Testing

Case Studies

Get in touch with us

Business Impact that can be Measured

From ideation to implementation, our experts become an extension of your core team to deliver exceptional results. Let’s take your business to the next level!

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